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Our Covid-19 Measures to keep you and your family safe during your photoshoot.


We are working to reduce the risk of transmission to the lowest level, by taking the following health and safety measure.




1. Studio cleaning policy


Before and after every studio session the studio is deep cleaned by using disinfectant/ isopropyl alcohol and/or steam cleaning. All surfaces that could be touched such as door handles, hand rails and all props used will be sanitised. All blankets and outfits used will be washed between each session. The studio will be aired thoroughly to minimise any droplets in the air.


2. Time between sessions


All studio sessions will be staggered, a minimum of one hour will be left between sessions to enable a deep clean of all surfaces and accessories to take place and to ensure there is no contact between customers arriving and leaving the premises. 


3. Symptoms of Covid-19 


New continuous cough, high temperature and a loss of taste and/or smell.


Customers will be required to disclose if anyone coming to the session has had a fever or any other symptoms of Covid-19 or has been in contact with anyone displaying Covid-19 symptoms, suspected of having Covid-19 or has had a Covid-19 positive test result at least 24 hours before their session. The booking will be cancelled without any consequences for either party and will be rescheduled. 


If the photographer, staff or the customer becomes unwell or suffers from the symptoms above 14 days prior to the session, both parties will inform each other immediately.


4. Self monitoring


The photographer/staff and customers will be required to monitor their temperatures before coming into the studio. 


5. Hand washing


We will thoroughly wash our hands for a minimum of 20 seconds before all sessions. Appropriate sanitising hand gels will be made available and customers will be requested to use these upon entering and leaving the studio.


6. Social distancing


Furniture has been removed from the studio to allow for 2 meter distancing to be possible. We agree that every effort will be made to keep a 2 meter distance at all times where possible both in the studio and on location.


Due to the restrictions imposed by social distancing, we are unable to offer usual studio sessions and poses, particularly with regard to newborn and maternity sessions. Parents may be asked to help move their children and babies if needed during portrait sessions.


We will operate with an appointment only booking system to ensure there is no contact between customers and minimise any risk to the photographer and staff. 


7. Covid-19 Track and Trace


Our studio will be participating in the relevant Covid 19 tracing system. Our studio will:


  1. Ask at least one member of every party of customers to provide their name and contact details.

  2. Keep a record of all staff working on our premises and their contact details.

  3. Keep these records of customers and staff for a minimum of 21 days and provide data to NHS Test and Trace if requested, in accordance with their privacy policy.

  4. Display an official HNS QR code poster so that customers can ‘check in’ using this option as an alternative to providing their contact details.


8. Local lockdowns


We will adhere to instructions given by HM Government and Local Authority appertaining to our business in regards to any local lockdown regulations issued and these local lockdown regulations will supersede previous Covid-19 Regulations where applicable. 


9. Rule of 6


Only 6 customers from the same household will be allowed to attend our studio at the same time. Children are included in this number, however, the photographer and staff are excluded for this purpose. 


Due to the size of our home studio, we respectfully ask that only the person(s) being photographed should attend the studio (one adult must attend if the person(s) being photographed are under the age of 18) to prevent too many people being in the studio at any one time.


10. Face coverings


We will wear a face covering (unless exempt on medical ground) in our studio.


Customers (over the age of 11) attending the studio will also be required to wear face coverings (unless exempt on medical grounds).


However, to facilitate the taking of photographs, customers will be able to remove their face coverings temporarily, only at the direction of the photographer provided the photographer maintains a 2 meter distance and remains wearing a face covering.


The face covering is to be replaced immediately after the photograph has been taken. If a break is required in the photography session for customer’s comfort or to change the studio set, the Customer will be required to ensure a face covering is in place.



Thank you.


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deana hall photography, leamington spa photographer, warwickshire photographer, newborn photographer, cake smash photographer, family photographer, maternity photographer, wedding photographer. west midlands photographer.

© deana hall photography 2024
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